Each student attending class should adhere to the rules set forth by their faculty and their institution of learning. Students are expected to adhere to these rules and also exhibit proper classroom behavior. The following are the top 10 tips for proper classroom etiquette:

  • Arrive to class on time; however, if you happen to come late, enter the room quickly and quietly.
  • Attend every class and stay for its entirety.
  • Turn off your cellphone.
  • Avoid browsing web sites and checking email during class.
  • Participate in class discussion and ask appropriate questions, but avoid dominating the conversation.
  • Avoid side conversations with fellow students.
  • Come to class prepared and turn in your homework on time.
  • Address your teachers by the titles they prefer (Doctor, Professor, Mr. or Ms. etc.). Some faculty may prefer to be addressed by their first name, but wait until they make that request before addressing them that way.
  • Visit your teacher’s office hours to discuss any questions you may have or to seek assistance if you have difficulty in the course.
  • Email your teacher if you plan to miss class. Explain briefly why you are missing (illness, religious holiday, jury duty etc.) and make clear you will be prepared for the next class meeting.