Katrina Shonka - Peer Tutor

Name: Katrina Shonka

Major: Computer Science and Sociology

What courses do you tutor?

Database Design, Algorithms and Data, Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 and 2, Foundations of Cybersecurity

How long have you been tutoring?

I have been tutoring since February 2023.

What is your CRLA Tutor Certification Level (if CRLA certified)?

I am not CRLA certified yet.

How have you represented Northeastern Peer Tutoring on Knack?

I have represented Northeastern Peer tutoring on Knack by consistently providing support and instilling a growth mindset within my students. I try to focus on building confidence in computer science related skills, like problem solving and analysis.

How has your experience as a Northeastern Peer Tutor impacted you?

Being a Peer Tutor has drastically improved my leadership and communication skills. It not only has helped me understand better my past materials, but it has allowed me to learn new things constantly. It also has been very rewarding to see my students succeed.

Students Testimonials:
  • “Katrina was knowledgeable and easy to work with and provided just the help I was looking for. Thanks!”
  • “Great explanations and guide to the practice problems we did.”
  • “Always does a great job.”

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