Tutor of the Month- February 2019

Name: Kaylie D. 

Major: B.S. Health Science

What courses do you tutor? Organic Chemistry and Moral and Social Problems in Health Care

How long have you been tutoring? Since Fall 2017

What is your CRLA level? Level 1 Certified Peer Tutor

How have you represented PTP?  My commitment to my students has allowed me to be representative of a peer tutor. I make sure that I do not attend a meeting unless I am coming prepared and the best resources for my tutees as possible. I usually try to ask my tutees ahead of time what they want to go over or make sure that I am well prepared and review the chapters that they are currently covering in the course before attending our session. I use Professor Mathews, Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 professor, as a resource a lot, asking her specific they are focusing on in the course that way I know how to best approach my sessions.

How has PTP impacted you? Being a Peer Tutor has challenged me, but in a good way. You don’t just need to know material for the course that you are tutoring, but you need to be able to talk about, explain, and answer questions. This has challenged me and made me a better student and professional. I have in addition to bettering my communication skills and my presentation skills, I have become more knowledgeable about the subjects I am tutoring. Being a peer tutor allowed me to use my basic knowledge, but then expand that to become an expert on the topic as I strive to be the best resource for my tutees as possible.

Student Testimonial: “Kaylie was extremely knowledgeable about Orgo, and very clearly answered all of my questions. Easily the best tutor I have met with at the peer tutoring center.”